Sunday, May 5, 2013

Guilty by Whom you Know

I have said that I would not post blogs that were not uplifting and positive but in reality life is not always uplifting and positive. Three days ago my world was turned upside down and my peace broken. In the early morning hours of May 2nd before the light of morning had made its appearance the Baltimore County police broke into my home and burst through my bedroom door with me standing naked and just able to put my robe barely around me. They came looking for my son whom was not at home. They handcuffed me and made me sit in the living room in the middle of the sofa while they tore my apartment apart  only to come up with nothing but two cell phones (one mine, one my son's) a bag of white talc powder that I had given my son sometime ago because i could not use it it irritated me and two other household items that we all have. My son whom was coming home when he saw the commotion drove to an area near the apartment where he could survey the scene left his car there and walked home. He came in calm and they promptly arrested him my heart broke. He looked at me sitting there handcuffed and the look on his face I just can't put into words but he was hurt and so was I. I asked him where were they taking him and they told me right down the street.We live on the same block as the police department. After going through safes, closets, luggage, in between and underneath beds, searching containers of coffee, flour, and sugar they were gone. I sat numb unable to move for what seemed like hours and then I jumped up and paced every room over and over again trying to figure out what to do first I have never been through anything like this in my entire life. I set about finding contacts my brother, my son's friends, thinking about how I was going to get bail money and who from. I jumped in my car without even putting a speck of water on my body and did what any mother in this situation would do, getting my son home. I lived on cigarettes even though I am in the process of quitting they were the only things that could calm my nerves so that I could think. I had no appetite for food just nicotine. After alerting my son's two best friends, we worked together to do what needed to be done. After spending most of the day not hearing anything and by the time I had located my brother whom wasted know time getting to the apartment my son called. His only concern was how was I, he told me that he was fine and that it had nothing to do with him and not to get bail money which had been set at $50,000 that he would be getting out on his own merits after the next day's bail review. He told me to stop freaking out and talk to my brother and everything was going to be all right. After my brother made sure my patio doors, windows, and my front door was properly secured so that I could get some much needed rest he left with the knowledge that he would be picking my son up from the detention center. I went into my room and laid on top of an unmade bed with just my pillow and blanket, I was able to sleep. I got up the next morning still feeling uneasy but slightly better because I had heard from my son and I believed in what he told me only because I know that he is an upstanding guy I was able to go to work and complete my day. After I came home my son was here with my brother and my year old niece. I had never been so glad to see him and all of that child gets on parents nerves went out the window, my son was home and he was okay. Now I don't know what the future holds in this matter but what I do know is that this happened for a reason and I feel certain the reason is going to lead to all things good. I am continuing working on my first novel and he is back working on his music but maybe this was something to draw us closer as mother and son but whatever the reason I know that I never want my family to go through anything like this ever again, hell I still haven't found my tv
Till next ...drea D

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