Sunday, June 12, 2011

Getting My Sanity Back!

     "Girl, I have got to get my sanity back!"
These are the words that I would here before seeing the luggage sitting front and center in the living room. That could only mean one thing, my mother was about to embark on one her many Caribbean adventures.
       It was the early seventies when my mom and several of her girlfriends started going the Caribbean Islands. They would spend weeks getting ready, and countless hours on the phone mapping out their strategy. It was a fun and exciting time for them. I can remember watching my mother putting together different outfits, what outfit she would ware on the plane, what wig or hairpiece, what shoes and which pocketbook went with those shoes, this was serious stuff. There were little handwritten notes with days of the week on them signifying which outfit she would ware on a particular day. Now it just wasn't the clothes, it was also the hair. I would come home from school and see the red and white Mel Hayes wig boxes stacked up. There were bush wigs, bush balls, the chignon, and the ponytail. My mom left no stone unturned when she was about to go on her getting her sanity back vacation.
      Even though I found all of this amusing, I also felt childish jealousy and resentment. Sure, she made a point    to do the family vacations to Disney World, Myrtle and Virginia Beach, and what ever amusement park, but I still had the feeling of why can't I go. You know how it is, as children you didn't see how your parents would want to be away from you. I was crushed, because not only would I miss my mom, it also meant that I would have to spend seven to ten days with the grandparents (ugh). When I would go into my throwing a fit mode, my mom would either stand there and watch me, amused and wait for me to finish and then walk a way or she wouldn't pay me any attention at all, she would simply continue on with her packing.
      When the day  had arrived for her to leave, she would say good-by to me as I cried as if my heart was coming out of my chest, tears streaming down my face, snot running from my nose, and as she wiped my face with a tissue, she would kiss my face and promise to bring back lots of presents. But I didn't care about the gifts I just wanted to go. I would even ask one more time, "Mommy why can't I go?" She would say to me "Andrea when you become grown, then you can go on your own" and with that she would kiss me again and grab her luggage and walk out of the door without looking back.
        By the next day I would be over it, and my concerns were playing with my friends and trying to outwit my grandmother, granddad was fine but granny was a whole different entity within herself (whew). For me those seven to ten days passed by quickly and it was time for my mother to come home. When she arrived, always at night I of course was happy to see her. There were lots of hugs and kisses and of course presents. The next day I would ask my mom did she have fun? and she would day "yes I did, I had a wonderful time, and every working adult should take at least one vacation on their own every year." I would wonder why she would always say that, but I would just nod my head in response. Then came the weekend after the trip, and that meant a get together of all the women who had went on the trip. It was a full day that lasted well into the next morning. There was a lot of good food, lots of Caribbean music, and lots of laughter and a whole lot of
 dark rum. Some would come dressed in a Caribbean style. Each woman came with at least two full picture albums and they would pass each album around several or more times giggling and screaming as they remembered the vacation. And there was always a different man on each trip. One time my mother dated a well known  Oscar winning actor's cousin, she even took pictures in the actor's house.
      This went on for years, and over the years they became well known. It was a fact , that when Lu and her crew where on the island, a good time would be had by all. When I became an adult with a family of my own, I finally understood what the phrase getting my sanity back meant. As far back as I can remember I have loved to travel. I also did the family vacations and the romantic getaways with my husband on our anniversaries. But after my marriage ended, and in between some of life's bull shit, I had somewhat gotten away from traveling and concentrated on getting my life back to normal. When I finally got my feet on even ground emotionally, it was time to get my sanity back! My first trip was to Jamaica with some friends. We went to the adults only Hedonism 3 resort in Runaway Bay. Talking about getting your groove back (hey call me Stella) it was amazing. It is a place where grown ups can do grown up things when, with whom, and wherever they want to do it (get my meaning). If you want a place where you can relate, relax, and release then that's your place.
       Since getting back into traveling I have found that my stress level is down, and I am a lot happier. I love going to different places and meeting all types of people. I like the experience of different cultures, whether it   is the Caribbean Islands, Central America, or right here in the good ol US of A I think getting away from the every day cycle of life is essential to good health. Tomorrow I am leaving for Niagara Falls Canada (I think that I am one of two people who have never been there) and I can't wait, we have a full itinerary that promises to be full of adventure. From an African Lion Safari in Cambridge to the famous Maid of the Mist boat ride, we will also visit the Floral Clock and many other sites. A spectacular night life is also promised. So as I embark on my first vacation of the   year I hope that there is a vacation in your very near future, because after all every working adult deserves a vacation. Talk to ya when I get back
                                                                                                                           drea D