Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spoon Fed

Where did the money go?...Lord please help me!!!
     For the last several months, I have been asking myself this question and looking for an answer. I would say, I know that I am living my life the way that you want me  to and I am exercising my PDP (perseverance,determination,patience),and still my financial situation seems to be getting worse. Why? I ask, Why? I know that I am not alone in this, because everyone from family to friends to strangers have been asking the same question and not getting the answers that they seek. But in the meantime seeing life as they have known it change, even in this so-called post recession. Well, recently I have received an answer and it came from my hairstylist Donna Stanton.
     I hadn't seen Donna in about two months, due to the cost effective hairstyle that I now wear. We were chatting as we usually do, and I was telling her of my bleak financial situation. She told me that she could relate to what I was going through. But she had an answer, and that was that we were being spoon fed that's right God was spoon feeding us because we had been living a life of abundance and not being grateful enough for what we had. We were living above our means and not showing enough humility. My how the mighty has fallen.
     I found this conversation a little ironic, because just a few weeks before, a friend and I had come to the conclusion that we were being punished for letting our wants get the best of us. We had basically said the same thing as Donna, but for some reason when she said it, it hit home and made more sense. I thought about how I didn't let money be an issue. I bought what I wanted, I spent what I wanted, I took vacations like I wanted, I did what I wanted to do because I could and did not think twice about it. Damn. And now God is spoon feeding me. Giving me a little at a time, just enough of what I need, no more and no less but just enough. Another lessoned learned.
     As I have said in one of my previous blogs that one of the greatest gifts that we were given is the power of change. I do see the error of my ways. And in closing, I want to say thank you Ms. Stanton for deoderizing the funk that had surrounded me. Till next this is.....dreaD


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shoop Shoop

     If you feel good you look good, if you look good you feel good, and if you look and feel good you do good.
Recently I had to make changes in my exercise routine, because what may have worked five, ten, fifteen years ago was not working now. I am a walker and I throw in some aerobic moves along with a little bit of weight training, but was not getting the results that I wanted.
     About two weeks ago I had an Epiphany. Something to help rid me of this muffin top, the Hoola Hoop. Yes that childhood toy of round plastic with the shoop shoop sound. A few years ago I had heard some where that it was a good source of exercise for adults. Yeah! I thought that is it, I can do that. When I was a kid (operative word kid) I was a hoola hoop champ. From the time my grandparents gave it to me as a gift, I could do no wrong with that hoola hoop. I could do tricks, I could walk with it, swing it around my neck, my arms, legs,I could even do it with one leg in and one leg out and not miss a beat, while those beads inside went shoop shoop. During a school sports program, I was one of the hoola hoop girls. I was a baaad mama jamma.
    I was excited, because this was something that I knew was fun, and I could do. This was going to be the something extra to my exercise program, it was on like popcorn. The very next day, I went straight to the toy store to get my hoola hoop. When I got there I asked the sales girl to direct to where they were. When I found them I saw that they were no longer called the hoola hoop but the wave hoop. There was no more of the orange or white with stripes plastic, but they now came in all sorts of neon and metallic colors, and made of some kind of rubber, I have to admit they were pretty. They also seemed a lot thinner and filled with water not beads, the shoop shoop sound was gone.
     Okay! I can deal with everything must change nothing stays the same, I was not deterred. I proudly picked  out a pretty purple and green one and marched it up to the cashier counter to pay for it. The cashier and a woman behind me both asked, "you can do that?" I stuck out my chest and said "oh yeah! I was the hoola hoop champ." "I never was good at" said the cashier. "Me either" remarked the woman while shaking her head. "But I hear it is good exercise, some people have sworn by it" the cashier said as we all agreed. I finished my transaction and excitedly skipped to my car and threw it in the back seat and away I went.
     As I came through the door, my son was sitting at the computer. "Look Jerome" I said, I bought a hoola hoop to add to my exercise routine." He turned and looked at it and then at me, with a smirk he said "huh huh." Forget him! I thought, I went to my bedroom to put on my workout clothes. I grabbed my new wave hoop, and assumed the position. I gave the wave hoop a swirl, and swirled my hips at the same time just the way I used to. The round metallic thing immediately hit the floor. "What?" I said out loud, "let me try this again." I did a repeat of my actions and damn it, the same thing happened again, and again. By this time I am breathing heavily, so I sat on my bed in total confusion. What was I doing wrong? I thought. And then as always the voice came. And it said. Just like the hoola hoop has changed, so my dear have you.You were the champ over thirty years ago, now you are a grown woman in her mid forties need I say more? You know what to do. I fell back on my bed in laughter. I said "yes I do and that is to put my PDP in motion." I then grabbed my keys and went to track vowing not to give up on the wave hoop. On my way there I saw a little girl doing her thing with the wave hoop and laughed to myself "do it now girl while you can, because one day you will have to put your PDP in motion."
     That was two weeks ago, and I have been getting betterwith  my wave hoop. I am proud to say that, I can now keep it going for one minute before it falls to the floor. I keep at it  until I am exhausted. Now this just might be some wishful thinking going on, but I have noticed a slight change in my mid section. As a matter of fact, I saw  a former co-worker of mine three days ago, and she commented on how good I looked. She said that I was really slimming down. I don't know what she saw, but I smiled and gave her two thumbs up, and kept on walking. When you reinvent, the mind and body go hand in hand. How can you become a better you if you don't do the total package? Well until the next time, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY and shoop shoop.
