Thursday, November 28, 2013


Just a short to wish everyone a happy and blessed holiday. Soon I will be on my way to the other side of Baltimore county for a always wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. All week I have been having my coworkers laughing about Crystal washing the turkey inside and out with dish detergent and we finding out as we were in the midst of throwing down on that good turkey meat, I am sure that she has already soaked the damn thing in Palmolive. Anyway I hope that everyone will be with family and friends and giving thanks for our many blessings even though sometimes they seem as if they are few. So in closing I say be blessed and stay safe. drea D.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Into Thin Air

Now you see me now you don't. Ever wish that you could just disappear from life as you have come to know it? Not necessarily for the long term but for whatever time that you need it to be. Recently I have heard about the North Point hermit a man who checked out of society and went to live in the woods for twenty seven years, he was recently found. Now in his forties the townsfolk is trying to reintroduce him to the world that he chose to leave behind. Who are they to decide that man's fate or how he should live? He made his choice.

As I read his story he has somewhat became my hero because he had the fearlessness to follow his own path and need. Recently I found myself wanting to disappear. Nothing as drastic as the hermit but just for three months whenever I feel the need. I would love to do an Eat, Pray, Love kind of thing and just do me with nobody else just me. I would eat good food, pray and revel in my own spirituality and become even more connected to the universe, and find that good love that I seek and deserve. I would also have such a clear relaxed mind that I could put that new found good energy into my book. Just to be able to wake up in the morning have my breakfast of two boiled eggs, two strips of bacon, a piece of toast lightly buttered with a thin spread of strawberry or apricot jam and a piping hot cup of joe, and then spend the next few hours writing, that would be the utmost pleasure for me. To not hear anyone else's voice or to deal with human bullshit would put me in a giddy state of mind.

A few blogs back I said that I would not write about anything that was not pleasant and uplifting but when I talk to my friends in hopes of hearing good news all I hear is darkness and a whole lot of "girl things are going to get better, they have to" and all I say is "yeah." What I really want to say is "how many times are you going to say that?" The fact is in my opinion this is just a fucked up time that we live in at this moment. So many of our lives have changed from what we once knew that some have resorted to drastic measures. Folks are so miserable and their lives are so empty that they spread their misery on anyone that comes within arms length weather it is the people that we love and who is supposed to love us or it is the people that you deal with on a day to day basis (in my case it is a child molesting ex-con supervisor who continues to make sexual jokes about little girls, we have tried to report him but he slips through, the company saved his job while he went to prison for two years). Not to mention struggling just to maintain what you have if you still have it enough I say enough.

In the meantime I want to disappear. My batteries need to be recharged and I need a new flow. When I am writing and my flow is good I have an out of body experience, I become one with my main character and I feel light and silly, strong and free. When I put down my pen or close my lap top the feeling of dread returns. It is getting to the point that I am making mistakes at work and it is only a matter of time. Yes I want and need to be delivered from that pitiful job but only when I am able to walk away on my own accord. That day needs to come soon when I can yell "Oh happy day!!!"

I want to disappear into thin air if only for a little while. To become whole again and to be the woman that I was, that I am, and who I know that I am suppose to be. Into thin air for three months, that's all I ask.

drea D