Saturday, March 3, 2012


Again it has been awhile since my last blog. That is because life has been doing its thing. After going through a season of goodness and joy, the season has taken a turn. Yes life is full of adversities and as long as we are alive we will go through from time to time I get that, but it seems that when it happens I am never prepared. For the last few years I have been on a new journey as I have talked about in my past blogs. The journey has been something revitalizi and positive I thought that "hey my life is finally going the way that I have always imagined, I was on the path of my life's purpose. Then all of the sudden BANG! up jump the boogey. Murphy's Law has invaded my life. I am cashed strapped I recently had to take a job that is definitely less than what I am used to, I really have to hustle. Then a family member stabbed me so deep that I am still reeling from it and things are piling up and I can't do anything about them and did I mention that my love life is still non-existent. But the part that really bothers me is that my passion and dreams have once again taken a back seat to life's bullshit. I am deep into writing my first novel and it is good but I have not been able to put pen to paper lately because I am trying to survive. I have already been down this road time and time again and here I go again back down once more. Now I know that everybody is going through something and I feel for us all but I am so ready to exhale that I really can't think of any ones else's problems I don't want to. That has been one of my problems in the past worrying about other people's shit and ignoring my own just to make them feel better. Those days have been over for a long time for me. I have to take care of drea. So once again I start over or is it starting over or is it me still moving forward. That remains to be seen as I will not give up and I will not stop pursuing my passion I have come to far. Well let me stop here I just needed to vent, it helps. So until next time lets pray for each other.          drea D

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